Active start to September after first storm free August for 25 years

| Storm Report 2022

From west to east;

Disturbance Twenty Five is still dragging its heels as it makes its way towards the north of the Leeward Islands. Now centred 500 miles north-east of Barbados moving west-nor’west at 9 knots, this is expected to pass to the northeast of the Leeward Islands overnight tomorrow without significant impact. It is then expected to turn to the north, well to the east of the Bahamas where environmental conditions are favourable for development to tropical storm strength but by then, should be clear of land.

Maverick Disturbance Twenty Eight has started milling around aimlessly while digging in and has already been upgraded to a tropical depression. This is still way out in the back of beyond over 700 miles west of the Azores and is expected to loaf about in the same general vicinity over the weekend developing further and may even reach hurricane intensity. In the long term, this will head north-east and weaken as it accelerates but as yet, this is highly speculative.

Disturbance Twenty Seven is now passing north of the Cape Verde Islands moving to the west-nor’west at 10 knots. This will continue on this heading over favourable development waters but is likely to remain a fish storm as things stand.

The long-predicted tropical wave over west Africa will slip the coast tomorrow and is expected to develop but as things stand, seems set to turn early into the safety of the tropical mid-Atlantic but this is not yet certain.

Stand easy. For now.